Whoever reads Yasin and al-Shaffat's letter on Friday night, Allah will grant his request. (Narrated by Abu Dawud from al-Habr)
7 Benefits of Reading Yasin's Letter Practiced Every Night
Get forgiveness from Allah SWT
This is as explained by Abu Hurairah ra in the hadith narrated by At-Thabrani and Al-Baihaqi: "Whoever reads (the letter) Yasin at night hoping to please Allah SWT, his sins are forgiven."
What is the ruling on reciting Yasin for the dead?
Based on this hadith, some Muslims argue that reading Yasin for people who have died is a form of beneficial knowledge that can be a charity for the deceased.
What is meant by tahlil?
Tahlilan is a ritual/ceremony of salvation performed by some Muslims, mostly in Indonesia and in Malaysia, to commemorate and pray for those who have died.
The benefits of reciting tahlil include: How to get closer to Allah SWT wherever one is
Tahlilan is permissible in Islam, because the majority of scholars emphasize the permissibility of awarding the reward for reciting the Qur'an and the sentence of thayyibah to the deceased, just as they state the permissibility of devoting a certain time to reading the Qur'an and the sentence of thayyibah
Based on the previous arguments, NU scholars agree that tahlilan or salvation for the dead is permissible in Islam.
The Complete Translation Yasin and Tahlil application is equipped with reading media features, to increase knowledge including:
+ Istighosah
+ Collection of Prayers
+ Du'a in the Koran
+ Prayers in the hadith
+ Memorization of short letters
7 Benefits of Reading Yasin's Letter Practiced Every Night
Get forgiveness from Allah SWT
This is as explained by Abu Hurairah ra in the hadith narrated by At-Thabrani and Al-Baihaqi: "Whoever reads (the letter) Yasin at night hoping to please Allah SWT, his sins are forgiven."
What is the ruling on reciting Yasin for the dead?
Based on this hadith, some Muslims argue that reading Yasin for people who have died is a form of beneficial knowledge that can be a charity for the deceased.
What is meant by tahlil?
Tahlilan is a ritual/ceremony of salvation performed by some Muslims, mostly in Indonesia and in Malaysia, to commemorate and pray for those who have died.
The benefits of reciting tahlil include: How to get closer to Allah SWT wherever one is
Tahlilan is permissible in Islam, because the majority of scholars emphasize the permissibility of awarding the reward for reciting the Qur'an and the sentence of thayyibah to the deceased, just as they state the permissibility of devoting a certain time to reading the Qur'an and the sentence of thayyibah
Based on the previous arguments, NU scholars agree that tahlilan or salvation for the dead is permissible in Islam.
The Complete Translation Yasin and Tahlil application is equipped with reading media features, to increase knowledge including:
+ Istighosah
+ Collection of Prayers
+ Du'a in the Koran
+ Prayers in the hadith
+ Memorization of short letters
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