"PERSONAL ACCOUNT": You can enter your basic data (name, gender, age, height, weight: for dialysis patients - "dry" weight, the amount of urine produced per day). You can upload a photo if you wish. The App collects your data only to calculate the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), BMI and dietary restrictions according to the chronic kidney disease (CKD) stage.
"CALCULATOR": By introducing serum creatinine levels (mg/dL or µmol/L) you can figure the eGFR. Put attention on clarified question below with YES/NO answer (if you answers is "NO", the system issues only eGFR and recommends you to contact a nephrologist nearby; if your answer is "YES", then the system, in addition to GFR, will also gives you a stage of CKD).
"RECOMMENDATIONS": Knowing the stage of CKD you can choose the appropriate recommendations.
"DIET": You can make your daily menu based on the restrictions in the diet calculated according to your CKD stage. Just Click on "ADD THE DISH" and choose from thousands of productsю IMPORTANT! You can change the diet based on the your CKD stage in the main menu by clicking on the icon in the upper left corner and change the diet in the “CHANGE DIET” column).
"JOURNAL": You can enter you daily data of blood pressure measurements, weight (including before/after dialysis), laboratory parameters. We do not transfer your data to third persons and do not used it for any analysis.
"DIALYSIS CENTRE": Here you can find a nephrologist near you. If you are on dialysis therapy and want to travel, this is no longer a problem. Choose your own dialysis center on the seashore or in the mountains.
"CALCULATOR": By introducing serum creatinine levels (mg/dL or µmol/L) you can figure the eGFR. Put attention on clarified question below with YES/NO answer (if you answers is "NO", the system issues only eGFR and recommends you to contact a nephrologist nearby; if your answer is "YES", then the system, in addition to GFR, will also gives you a stage of CKD).
"RECOMMENDATIONS": Knowing the stage of CKD you can choose the appropriate recommendations.
"DIET": You can make your daily menu based on the restrictions in the diet calculated according to your CKD stage. Just Click on "ADD THE DISH" and choose from thousands of productsю IMPORTANT! You can change the diet based on the your CKD stage in the main menu by clicking on the icon in the upper left corner and change the diet in the “CHANGE DIET” column).
"JOURNAL": You can enter you daily data of blood pressure measurements, weight (including before/after dialysis), laboratory parameters. We do not transfer your data to third persons and do not used it for any analysis.
"DIALYSIS CENTRE": Here you can find a nephrologist near you. If you are on dialysis therapy and want to travel, this is no longer a problem. Choose your own dialysis center on the seashore or in the mountains.
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