Search for the track, artist or album you want, listen or download for free. Create and share playlists. Build the biggest and richest music collection of your life.
Get inspired by personalized recommendations and ready-to-listen playlists.
Free on mobile phones
• Play any artist, album or playlist in shuffle mode.
Free on tablet too
• Play any song you want whenever you want.
Muly finds the song you're listening to on your phone or around you in seconds. Listen to the music playing around you and learn the music right away. Muly has the world's largest database of more than 100 million music fingerprints.
You can find the song you want in seconds.
You can find and listen to songs for free.
While listening to the songs, you can follow the lyrics at the same time.
Use Identify in Background to find songs playing in apps like Instagram, YouTube, TikTok.
You can listen to free ad-free and background music.
You can share the lyrics on social networks.
With trending lists, you can find out what's popular in your country or city.
You can get song and playlist suggestions to discover new songs.
Listen to free music, access the artist's albums.
Muly provides its content with YouTube Player API and Spotify Api. The copyrights of the contents belong to their respected artists.
Get inspired by personalized recommendations and ready-to-listen playlists.
Free on mobile phones
• Play any artist, album or playlist in shuffle mode.
Free on tablet too
• Play any song you want whenever you want.
Muly finds the song you're listening to on your phone or around you in seconds. Listen to the music playing around you and learn the music right away. Muly has the world's largest database of more than 100 million music fingerprints.
You can find the song you want in seconds.
You can find and listen to songs for free.
While listening to the songs, you can follow the lyrics at the same time.
Use Identify in Background to find songs playing in apps like Instagram, YouTube, TikTok.
You can listen to free ad-free and background music.
You can share the lyrics on social networks.
With trending lists, you can find out what's popular in your country or city.
You can get song and playlist suggestions to discover new songs.
Listen to free music, access the artist's albums.
Muly provides its content with YouTube Player API and Spotify Api. The copyrights of the contents belong to their respected artists.
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