Pass your exam with our free ServSafe Manager Practice Tests - updated for 2020. The ServSafe Manager Certification exam is developed and administered by the National Restaurant Association as part of the ServSafe Food Safety Training Program. The ServSafe program is intended to help train the food service industry on all aspects of food safety.
exams are similar in style, content, and difficulty to actual ServSafe
questions, so taking our free practice test should help you review the
information you need to know for test day- and pass the first time!
Our practice questions cover the following topics:
-ServSafe Alcohol Primary and ServSafe Alcohol Advanced
-ServSafe Allergens
-ServSafe Food Handler
-ServSafe Manager
exams are similar in style, content, and difficulty to actual ServSafe
questions, so taking our free practice test should help you review the
information you need to know for test day- and pass the first time!
Our practice questions cover the following topics:
-ServSafe Alcohol Primary and ServSafe Alcohol Advanced
-ServSafe Allergens
-ServSafe Food Handler
-ServSafe Manager
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