The most comprehensive philosophical dictionary
Discover many words about philosophy in this philosophical dictionary. Brief definition of the fundamental philosophical terms. Classified by letter to better search, you can easily learn and check all settings.
The Philosophical Dictionary that compiled the main ideas of philosophical party would have appeared around 1750 in the circle of King Frederick II of Prussia, in the court in which Voltaire lived at the time.
The philosophy of science investigates scientific knowledge and scientific practice. It is to know, among other things, scientific theories are developed, evaluated and modified, and if science is able to reveal the truth "hidden entities" (ie unobservable) and lawsuits Various propositions basic that allow the construction of science are philosophical.
Philosophical Dictionary for your daily use
Set of ideas, practical or theoretical, about being, of beings, of man and his role in the universe. reflective, critical or speculative elaboration of such concepts. Set of all science, knowledge or rational knowledge. critical reflection on the foundations of knowledge (cognitive values), logic, ethics and aesthetics (normative values).
Reflect on many official philosophical themes such as nature, death, justice or being.
The application consists of:
Philosophical Dictionary + offline: check all settings without the need for an internet connection
+ Definition of philosophy: learn all about philosophy
+ Philosophical phrases: famous philosophical phrases
Philosophy is a science that deals with the essence, properties, causes and effects of things. It is the attempt of the human spirit to establish a rational view of the universe through self-reflection on their own evaluative functions, theoretical and practical.
Learn important terms as: change, thinking, history, domain, soul or education, among others.
Explore more about philosophy, download Philosophical Dictionary , you'll love it!
* If you have any questions or concerns or want to contribute something, please let us know. Thank you.
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Discover many words about philosophy in this philosophical dictionary. Brief definition of the fundamental philosophical terms. Classified by letter to better search, you can easily learn and check all settings.
The Philosophical Dictionary that compiled the main ideas of philosophical party would have appeared around 1750 in the circle of King Frederick II of Prussia, in the court in which Voltaire lived at the time.
The philosophy of science investigates scientific knowledge and scientific practice. It is to know, among other things, scientific theories are developed, evaluated and modified, and if science is able to reveal the truth "hidden entities" (ie unobservable) and lawsuits Various propositions basic that allow the construction of science are philosophical.
Philosophical Dictionary for your daily use
Set of ideas, practical or theoretical, about being, of beings, of man and his role in the universe. reflective, critical or speculative elaboration of such concepts. Set of all science, knowledge or rational knowledge. critical reflection on the foundations of knowledge (cognitive values), logic, ethics and aesthetics (normative values).
Reflect on many official philosophical themes such as nature, death, justice or being.
The application consists of:
Philosophical Dictionary + offline: check all settings without the need for an internet connection
+ Definition of philosophy: learn all about philosophy
+ Philosophical phrases: famous philosophical phrases
Philosophy is a science that deals with the essence, properties, causes and effects of things. It is the attempt of the human spirit to establish a rational view of the universe through self-reflection on their own evaluative functions, theoretical and practical.
Learn important terms as: change, thinking, history, domain, soul or education, among others.
Explore more about philosophy, download Philosophical Dictionary , you'll love it!
* If you have any questions or concerns or want to contribute something, please let us know. Thank you.
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