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Ojek Pinisi

wji developer
50+ downloads

About Ojek Pinisi

Born from an idea, a form of love for the pinisi boat masterpiece which is the symbol of the Bulukumba district. On a digital platform we want to promote the word pinisi. This is a form of our pride, the generation born from Butta Panrita Lopi.

In the digital field that we are pioneering, we want to be like the pinisi who once the screen is developed they never turn back, we want to be strong, the pinisi remains on the throne in every vein of Tau Butta Panrita Lopi. We are fighting souls.

Society in general needs a smart solution, especially business people need sales media, appropriate promotional media and smart transportation. The presence of the OJEK PINISI application is the right solution for all business actors.

Ojek Pinisi is a liaison between business actors and consumers who use the application.

Some of us have experienced problems when we want to buy something (courier) or when we need a vehicle (driver).

The presence of the OJEK PINISI application will be the right answer for the community.

Regarding market opportunities, currently smartphone users are very widespread, so anyone can use this application.

Let's process together to be successful together.
#Greetings Go Digital
#Cultural Sustainable Greetings


Owner/Founder: Rudi Toto

Founder: Echa' Panrita Lopi
Yusuf Daeng Mappuji
Muhammad Ramli
Syamsu Ardi

Finance Department: Eka Suprapti

Public Relations/Marketing Department:
Andy Bachtiar
Sukmawati Basir
Beautiful Darwis

Operational Section: Crew Drivers

Ojek Pinisi Screenshots