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Высшая математика в решениях.

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About Высшая математика в решениях.

The manual contains a detailed analysis and the tasks for the analytical geometry in the plane and space. Each practical assignment prior to basic information about the theory, reference data and formulas. The book is intended for students of higher technical educational institutions. Practical tasks are distributed on the following topics:
1.Koordinata on the plane. The distance between the two points.
 2.Delenie segment in a given otnoshenii.Koordinaty midpoint. Determining the area of ​​a triangle from the known coordinates of its vertices. 3.Razlichnye types of direct equations. the general equation of a straight line study, the construction of the line from its equation.
4.Uravnenie line passing through a given point in a given direction.
The equation of the line passing through the two given points. The angle between the two straight lines. The condition of two parallel and perpendicular lines. Determination of the point of intersection of two lines.
5.Rasstoyanie from this point to the given line.
6.Uravnenie bisector of the angle between two straight lines.
7.Polyarnaya coordinate system. Transition from polar to Cartesian coordinates and vice versa.
 Construction of the curve defined by the equation in polar coordinates. 8.Sostavlenie equation of the curve in its geometric properties.
9.Uprazhneniya in drawing lines of equations.
10.Krivye second order: circle, ellipse.
11.Krivye second-order hyperbola, parabola.
12.Preobrazovanie rectangular coordinates. Parallel translation axes without changing their direction.
13.Preobrazovanie coordinate rotation axes without changing the origin.
14.Uproschenie general equation of the second order curve.
15.Opredeliteli and systems of linear algebraic equations.
16.Vektornaya algebra.
17.Osnovnye problems in the plane.
18.Osnovnye problem on the line in space.
19.Zadachi on the line and the plane.
 20. The second order surfaces.

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