Where is my train - PNR status icon

Where is my train - PNR status

KD Infolab
10,000+ downloads

About Where is my train - PNR status

• Get Train detail : where is my train

- Find what time the train will depart from the starting source station.
- Find what time the train will arrive at the destination station.
- Find out the date on which the train begins from the source station and reaches at the destination station.
- Find out the real-time seat availability in a particular train.
- Provides real time information about the estimated duration of the journey.
- Calculate the ticket fare of your train journey.
- Display the pre-defined as well as the real-time route of the train.
- Calculate the position of the coach which contains the passenger’s seat.

How this app is useful to you?

• Search your desired train:With train running status
- Search your train to travel with the help of train name or train number
- Provides source and destination station name along with train search
- live train running status
- indiarailinfo

• PNR check

- pnr status check for railway ticket
- pnr status check of your tickets which are confirmed or still in waiting list.

Coach Layout and Platform numbers

Find information on coach position and seat/berth layout of your booked train status. Also shows platform numbers for boarding and intermediate stations .

Spotting Train Accurately

Get live train status of Indian Railways anytime, anywhere. When you are traveling on a train, this feature can work without internet or GPS as it uses cell tower information to find the location.

Offline Train Schedules

The train app has the Indian Railways timetable offline. You don't have to know train number or names as our Smart search feature allows you to use train source & destination.


- This app is not affiliated to Indian Railways or IRCTC.
- This app relies on public information available on third party websites.
- The app is privately maintained and does not have any affiliation whatsoever to Indian Railways.
- This app is not affiliated with CRIS, NTES.
- All the content available in this app is for general information purposes only and is only for personal use. You are encouraged to re-verify the information from the official sources.

Where is my train - PNR status Screenshots