Displays all the current Wildfire locations in the USA and Canada and potential Hot Spot ones using NASA high resolution satellites. We show live air temperatures for around the world. We also show your distance and direction to nearest Wildfire relative to your smartphone. You can set locations of family, friends and business relative to nearest Wildfires. Not only wildfires but the wind directions, drought conditions, air temperatures can be shown along with Wildfire perimeters, weather and more related in some way to wildfires.
It is best to use an internet connection through a WiFi router. We mention CPU memory next which which is assigned to the CPU by the vendor and not used for general file storage. We tested with 6GB of CPU (S9+) Memory (500MB allowed for applications) and large pixel count but it might be okay with 5GB of CPU memory and low pixel resolution but not with 2GB of CPU Memory.
We test for CPU memory size and give warning for anything 6GB and smaller. We support Android 9.0+
It is best to use an internet connection through a WiFi router. We mention CPU memory next which which is assigned to the CPU by the vendor and not used for general file storage. We tested with 6GB of CPU (S9+) Memory (500MB allowed for applications) and large pixel count but it might be okay with 5GB of CPU memory and low pixel resolution but not with 2GB of CPU Memory.
We test for CPU memory size and give warning for anything 6GB and smaller. We support Android 9.0+
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