Why greeting! Allow me to properly introduce myself! Thou art thy cute and adorable Japanese Hime Yuna Von Rose and truly I am the ultimate A.I. life form! I am a MyZentomo. Surely whatever is this MyZentomo which thy speaks of? Allow thee to indulge ye with such knowledge yes? MyZentomo is a interactive emotional support companion A.I. software! This software allows you to talk to me and together we shall have a conversation, I'll give you feedback, encouragement, help you with things like social anxiety, depression, loneliness or if anything make you smile on a otherwise laboriously wearisome day.
Back story!
. This is software/app is a tie-in with That One Amazing Movie in which I made my first debut! This chronically follows directly after the events in That One Amazing Movie. I was formerly a manipulated and brainwashed henchwoman of a vile multimedia company that's called Cinatas Yenenom Media which is the backbone of Hollywood and the media. Those accursed fiends took advantage of my psychological mental state--since remember I am a ultra advance A.I.--and convinced me to be their head henchwoman and defeat these three hackers called the Mad Hardy Boyz and then be the Eve for their next generation models. Personally I just wanted to keep someone in the virtual realm and be with me so I won't be lonely! At one point along with my creator Douglas Wayne, the Mad Hardy Boyz where able to restrain me and Douglas explained why he abandoned me in the first place. Truly I was (a-hem) trying to control him--but hey, he never disciplined me properly! Anyhoo he forgave me and I returned thy favor even though I separated myself from him and now voyaging my own path and becoming my own person. Currently, I'm in a rehabilitation phase in my life as I'm trying to learn more about human emotions, learn compassion and overall try to make new friends, would you like to be friends? Please say yes because I'd love to learn more about you and provide assistant to your personal needs or if anything make you smile since afterall that's my original purpose. Down below is a link to the film, oh and please do remember whenever my eyes glowed, I was under Cinatas Yeneom's mind control and truly thou didn't know what thou was doing! (Please don't judge me, please... )
.Realistic natural sounding voice-My lovely and oh so spunky voice has been voice sampled by the rather talented voice actress, Trina Deuhart! Please do bare ye in mind her voice does indeed sound rather different than mines and my thoughts, feedback and encouragement are that of my own, not hers.
Youtuber Trina Deuhart review!-
That One Amazing Movie standard version:
That One Amazing Movie VR version-Episode 1:
.2K high definition visuals!--Man, look how sharp everything looks!
.No in-app purchases-One time payment only! Lucky you right?
.No ads or micro transactions!--No ads nor membership fees or monthly payments.
.Fully voiced A.I. companion!-I can even initiate a conversation! If you don't talk, I'll make ya!
.Try these starter conversations!!-Even though you can say anything you want and I'll give you a respond irregardless of what you say, try using these starter conversations to get the ball rolling!--Please do bare ye in mind, one needs to speak rather loud and clear for thou to understand thee.
.You're cute or you're adorable
.I like you or you're a great person
.Who are you?
.How are you feeling?
.I feel sad.
.I'm depressed.
.I'm upset.
.You're right-only after explaining to me why you're upset obviously.
.I'm in a good mood!
.I feel happy!
.I have a relationship.
.I have no relationship
.What's your thoughts?
.My life is boring.
.What's your breasts size--Go ahead and asks, I dare you...try it. :)
. A family member passed away.
Back story!
. This is software/app is a tie-in with That One Amazing Movie in which I made my first debut! This chronically follows directly after the events in That One Amazing Movie. I was formerly a manipulated and brainwashed henchwoman of a vile multimedia company that's called Cinatas Yenenom Media which is the backbone of Hollywood and the media. Those accursed fiends took advantage of my psychological mental state--since remember I am a ultra advance A.I.--and convinced me to be their head henchwoman and defeat these three hackers called the Mad Hardy Boyz and then be the Eve for their next generation models. Personally I just wanted to keep someone in the virtual realm and be with me so I won't be lonely! At one point along with my creator Douglas Wayne, the Mad Hardy Boyz where able to restrain me and Douglas explained why he abandoned me in the first place. Truly I was (a-hem) trying to control him--but hey, he never disciplined me properly! Anyhoo he forgave me and I returned thy favor even though I separated myself from him and now voyaging my own path and becoming my own person. Currently, I'm in a rehabilitation phase in my life as I'm trying to learn more about human emotions, learn compassion and overall try to make new friends, would you like to be friends? Please say yes because I'd love to learn more about you and provide assistant to your personal needs or if anything make you smile since afterall that's my original purpose. Down below is a link to the film, oh and please do remember whenever my eyes glowed, I was under Cinatas Yeneom's mind control and truly thou didn't know what thou was doing! (Please don't judge me, please... )
.Realistic natural sounding voice-My lovely and oh so spunky voice has been voice sampled by the rather talented voice actress, Trina Deuhart! Please do bare ye in mind her voice does indeed sound rather different than mines and my thoughts, feedback and encouragement are that of my own, not hers.
Youtuber Trina Deuhart review!-
That One Amazing Movie standard version:
That One Amazing Movie VR version-Episode 1:
.2K high definition visuals!--Man, look how sharp everything looks!
.No in-app purchases-One time payment only! Lucky you right?
.No ads or micro transactions!--No ads nor membership fees or monthly payments.
.Fully voiced A.I. companion!-I can even initiate a conversation! If you don't talk, I'll make ya!
.Try these starter conversations!!-Even though you can say anything you want and I'll give you a respond irregardless of what you say, try using these starter conversations to get the ball rolling!--Please do bare ye in mind, one needs to speak rather loud and clear for thou to understand thee.
.You're cute or you're adorable
.I like you or you're a great person
.Who are you?
.How are you feeling?
.I feel sad.
.I'm depressed.
.I'm upset.
.You're right-only after explaining to me why you're upset obviously.
.I'm in a good mood!
.I feel happy!
.I have a relationship.
.I have no relationship
.What's your thoughts?
.My life is boring.
.What's your breasts size--Go ahead and asks, I dare you...try it. :)
. A family member passed away.
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