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About Clokky

The screenshots you see are just an example of what is possible to do, you can make Clokky completely different. The concept is to show the time through a circular shape that grows sector by sector, anyway you can switch to clock hands or texts. You can set colors and shapes for every hour, minute and even second, it depends on the template you enable. Clokky is syncronized with the system time and updates itself every minute, enabling seconds it will update EVERY second, remember this! It asks permission to read and write to external memory just to save your configurations (at your discretion) so they won't be deleted in case of uninstall, anyway you can delete these file manually or through Clokky's configuration panels. Depending on the density and screen size of your device the panels can be "a bit empty", but buttons are all at their place.
Clokky is a widget, add it on the screen and launch the configuration by tapping on it or by an icon in the applications folder.

Clokky Screenshots