Seascape Benchmark is the ultimate tool for gamers who want to test the limits of their mobile device's GPU. With its highly realistic dynamic ocean graphics, Seascape Benchmark provides an accurate measure of your device's performance.
The app uses OpenGL ES 3.1 + AEP to render more than 3 million triangles per frame, creating a stunning visual experience. You'll experience different weather conditions, including regular and big storm waves, during benchmarking.
With Seascape Benchmark, you can see various metrics after benchmarking, such as min, max & average FPS, frame time chart, changing battery & device temperature over time, and GPU & CPU load. The app also allows you to check how well your mobile GPU and its video driver support graphics features, such as screen-space tessellation, compute shaders, HDR textures & render targets, texture arrays, instancing, MRT, GPU timers, screen-space ray-casting, and deferred rendering.
Seascape Benchmark takes around 3 minutes to complete and provides a report with metrics & charts that you can share as an image with your friends on social networks. To compare score values across devices, use 1080p mode (enabled by default).
Seascape Benchmark is also an excellent tool to choose the best gaming smartphone or tablet before purchasing. The app provides detailed performance info and unique graphics, making it easy for you to make an informed decision.
Technical details: The ocean surface is created using inverse FFT on JONSWAP spectrum with compute shaders, while foam is 3 layers of jacobian + temporal blurring for slow dissolution. Score calculation is based on hardware GPU timers, which makes it independent of CPU performance.
Download Seascape Benchmark today and test your mobile device's gaming capabilities like never before. If you have any suggestions or feedback, please email
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The app uses OpenGL ES 3.1 + AEP to render more than 3 million triangles per frame, creating a stunning visual experience. You'll experience different weather conditions, including regular and big storm waves, during benchmarking.
With Seascape Benchmark, you can see various metrics after benchmarking, such as min, max & average FPS, frame time chart, changing battery & device temperature over time, and GPU & CPU load. The app also allows you to check how well your mobile GPU and its video driver support graphics features, such as screen-space tessellation, compute shaders, HDR textures & render targets, texture arrays, instancing, MRT, GPU timers, screen-space ray-casting, and deferred rendering.
Seascape Benchmark takes around 3 minutes to complete and provides a report with metrics & charts that you can share as an image with your friends on social networks. To compare score values across devices, use 1080p mode (enabled by default).
Seascape Benchmark is also an excellent tool to choose the best gaming smartphone or tablet before purchasing. The app provides detailed performance info and unique graphics, making it easy for you to make an informed decision.
Technical details: The ocean surface is created using inverse FFT on JONSWAP spectrum with compute shaders, while foam is 3 layers of jacobian + temporal blurring for slow dissolution. Score calculation is based on hardware GPU timers, which makes it independent of CPU performance.
Download Seascape Benchmark today and test your mobile device's gaming capabilities like never before. If you have any suggestions or feedback, please email
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