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Jardin des impressionnismes

Musée des impressionnismes Giverny
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About Jardin des impressionnismes

Explore the garden surrounding the Musée des impressionnismes Giverny!

A map and many photos allow you to discover its organization in rooms of color and show you its evolution over the seasons.

Using the search tool, identify a plant in 2 or 3 simple observations. After your visit, this repertory of the 350 plants composing the garden could well give you a few ideas for your own plantations!

Share your pictures of the garden with your friends, directly on the application or on social networks.

Enjoy the contributions of other visitors in the application's photo gallery.

Ask your questions to our gardener: they will be published from the application on the Facebook page of the museum, where you will quickly find the gardener’s answers as well as those of other garden enthusiasts.

Jardin des impressionnismes Screenshots

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