Zètema Progetto Cultura s.r.l.
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You can also give or activate the MIC Card you received as a gift.
To access you will need to authenticate by logging in with the credentials in your possession or proceed to one
new registration to obtain access data. Then create your account by entering all your personal data
requested and then proceed to confirm the order and pay by credit card.
You will receive by email the information to activate your account, your digital MIC Card in pdf and the receipt
of the order and any invoice.
By showing your digital MIC Card you can access the place to visit by going directly to the control
access to the museum without going through the ticket office.
We also inform you that, to make access to the Museums System of Rome Capital even easier, it was
created a platform dedicated to MIC Card holders. With a simple click on the code of your MIC
Card present in the App you can get an entrance ticket in advance, even the reduced one for adults
exhibitions with separate tickets, especially in the case of limited admission

MIC CARD Screenshots