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JobMaster Job Search

Net-Royal Ltd.
4.2 out of 5
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About JobMaster Job Search

Find jobs using JobMaster, the most comprehensive search engine for jobs.
In a single search, JobMaster offers free access to tens of thousands of jobs from thousands of different employers.
JobMaster Job Search app helps you through the entire process of finding a new job, starting from job search to applying resume for jobs.

JobMaster the leading job search site in Israel
- Join over million job seekers each month who use JobMaster
- Search in database of over tens of thousands real and genuine job offers published directly from employers! Not copied or duplicated job offers!

- Easily, quickly and free job search
- You can view on “Luach sheli' (my personal job board) new job offers added since your last search and be the first to apply
- Search by interest, scope of position and location to find your dream job
- Find full-time or part-time jobs, jobs for mothers, jobs for youth, jobs for students and for discharged soldiers

Applying for Jobs
- Use your resume saved on JobMaster to easily apply to selected jobs
- Create or upload a resume and join to cv database containing over 50 thousand relevant job seekers .
- Personalize a message for each job before applying
- Follow after job offers you applied and stay informed at every moment of their status

- Create a free JobMaster account
- Follow your favorite categories to get new jobs to your email or get alerts directly to your mobile device.

JobMaster Job Search Screenshots