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سورة الإخلاص والمعوذتين والفات

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About سورة الإخلاص والمعوذتين والفات

The application contains frequent reading of Surat Al-Fatiha without Net, verse of the Holy without Net, Surat Al-Ikhlas without Net, Surat Al-Falaq without Net, Surat Al-Nas without Net

Al-Fatihah: In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful (1)

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds (2) Merciful (3) the owner of the Day of Judgment (4) Beware of worship and you we use (5) Show us the straight path (6) the path of those who bestowed on them is wrath not gone astray (7)

Surat al-Fatihah: Al-Fatihah or the seven octagonal or the mother of the book is the greatest surah in the Holy Qur’an because our master Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, {Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, is the seven octagonal and the great Qur’an I’ve given} because it opened the Qur’an with it and because it also opens with prayer and Surah al-Fatihah is a surah Makiya descended on the Messenger before his migration to Medina and to Surat Al-Fatiha, 25 titles including the Great Qur’an, the Seven Blinds, Surat Al-Hamd, complete and sufficient .... The scholars are unanimously agreed that Surat Al-Fatihah contains 7 verses.

Verse chair: no god but God is living and subsisting do not take one year and not sleep him what is in the heavens and on earth: Who will intercede with Him except with his permission knows what is between them and behind them and surround some of his knowledge only as he wishes extended his chair of the heavens and the earth and Aaodh saved He is the Most High, the Great.

The Ayat al-Kursi: It is the verse No. 255 of Surat Al-Baqara, which has great importance and merit among Muslims.

Al-Ikhlas Surah: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Say: He is one of God (1) God, the Exalted (2) did not give birth nor was He born (3), and He was not sufficient for one (4)

Sincerity: It is a surah Makiya, from the joint, its verses 4, and its arrangement in the Qur’an 112, in the thirtieth part, it started with the command of Say God is one, revealed after Surah al-Nas. It has several virtues as the Prophet says: “Is one of you unable to read a third of the Qur’an in a night?" He means Surah Al-Ikhlas It is a surah that talks about monotheism for God only, that he has no son and that he was not born. And read with Al-Mu'tazin in most of the Prophet's dhikr.

Surate Al-Ikhlas est le nom traditionnellement donné à la 112ᵉ sourate du Coran, le livre sacré de l'Islam. Elle comporte 4 versets. Rédigée en arabe comme l'ensemble de l'œuvre religieuse, elle fut proclamée durant la période mecquoise. Cette sourate évoque le concept d’unicité de Dieu.

Al-Falaq: In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of the Falaqah (1) from the evil of what He created (2), and from the evil of darkness when He comes (3), and from the evil of the breaths in the Decree (4).

Surat al-Falaq is a Meccan surah, from the joint, its verses 5, and its arrangement in the Qur’an 113, in the thirtieth part, I started by the command of saying I seek refuge in the Lord of the Legion, it was revealed after Surat Al-Fil, and it is called Surat Al-Nas.

surate Al-Falaq (arabe: al-Falaq, français: L’Aube naissante) est le nom traditionnellement donné à la 113e sourate du Coran, le livre sacré de l'Islam. Elle comporte 5 versets. Rédigée en arabe comme l'ensemble de l'œuvre religieuse, elle fut proclamée durant la période mecquoise.

Surat al-Nas: In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of the People (1) the King of the People (2) God of the People (3) from the evil of the whisperer of the slave (4) who whispers in the breasts of the people (the people of the people) (5)
The people: It is a surah Makiya, from the joint, its verses 6, and its arrangement in the last Qur’an, in the thirtieth part, it started with the command of say I seek refuge in the Lord’s people, it was revealed after Surat Al-Falaq, and it is called Surat Al-Falaq the name of Ma’ta’in.

surate An-Nas:
(arabe: people, français: Les Hommes) est le nom traditionnellement donné à la 114e sourate du Coran, le livre sacré de l'Islam. Elle comporte 6 versets. Rédigée en arabe comme l'ensemble de l'œuvre religieuse, elle fut proclamée durant la période mecquoise.

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