The application contains many of the speech for the advocate of Omar Abdel Kafi, who was born in Shehata on May 1, 1951 in the village of Hillah in the Minya Governorate in Upper Egypt, he has four brothers who are d. Muhammad, Ali, Abu Bakr, Othman and two sisters. He obtained a BA in agricultural sciences, then a doctorate in agricultural sciences, studied at the Academy of Scientific Research, and worked as a researcher at the National Research Center, he was brought up by the most important scholars of jurisprudence and interpretation such as Muhammad al-Ghazali, Muhammad Metwali al-Shaarawi and Yusuf al-Qaradawi, and preserved At the hands of his professors Sahih Bukhari and Muslim, he studied rhetoric, morphology, grammar, and obtained a BA in Arab and Islamic Studies and a Masters in Comparative Jurisprudence. He currently resides in the United Arab Emirates, left Egypt, and moved between Arab and European countries to publish the Islamic lawsuit
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