طريقة عمل الوافل بدون نت icon

طريقة عمل الوافل بدون نت

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About طريقة عمل الوافل بدون نت

Waffle is a delicious dish consisting of a light and fluffy dough prepared using a special waffle machine. Here are some words for how to make a waffle:

1- Prepare the dough: Mix the flour, sugar, salt, eggs, milk and butter in a large bowl.

2- Massage: The dough is massaged after mixing for 5-10 minutes until it becomes soft and elastic.

3- Heating: The waffle machine is heated and greased with vegetable oil.

4- Casting: The dough is poured onto the waffle machine and the lid is closed to obtain a circular shape.

5- Baking: Bake the dough for 2-3 minutes or until golden.

6- Slicing: The large waffle is cut into small portions.

7- Decoration: The waffle can be decorated with honey, sugar, fruits, chocolate or ice cream.

Waffles are easy to prepare and can be customized for any special occasion or served at any time of the day. Waffles can be prepared in many different ways, such as adding vanilla or cinnamon to the dough, or adding bananas or strawberries to the garnish. Plus, the waffle can be used as a base for making your favorite breakfast sandwiches or delicious desserts.

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