Learn English from beginner to advanced
The best way to teach English at home
In today's world, learning English has become one of the most important human needs. Because English is the most important language in business, sports, science, etc.
In this software for Persian speakers, we will teach English for free, and you will strengthen your English by practicing what we have collected for you in this software. In this software, you can experience offline English language teaching.
Learning English from beginner to advanced is an application for learning English, and much faster, with entertainment and freedom,
Learning English from beginner to advanced works perfectly without expressing your internet. Develop useful and practical conversational skills based on everyday scenarios and events. Like traditional methods, they spoke as a keynote speaker, without having to be bored and without spending time and money.
It helps you learn a new language to speak and learn words in a new way, 10 minutes a day to improve your language skills, whether for study, work or travel.
* If you have formed your mind to speak English in 30 days, you can go for this program and reach your goal much sooner.
Some software features:
. Includes more than 1000 audio audio files
. Ability to use software without the need for the Internet
انگلیسی Learning English for beginners is a very practical and internet-free program
Grouping :
mode and fashion
Time and date
Work and career
* Teaching English to Persian conversation
* Practical sentences of conversation
* Learn English from beginner to advanced
The best way to teach English at home
In today's world, learning English has become one of the most important human needs. Because English is the most important language in business, sports, science, etc.
In this software for Persian speakers, we will teach English for free, and you will strengthen your English by practicing what we have collected for you in this software. In this software, you can experience offline English language teaching.
Learning English from beginner to advanced is an application for learning English, and much faster, with entertainment and freedom,
Learning English from beginner to advanced works perfectly without expressing your internet. Develop useful and practical conversational skills based on everyday scenarios and events. Like traditional methods, they spoke as a keynote speaker, without having to be bored and without spending time and money.
It helps you learn a new language to speak and learn words in a new way, 10 minutes a day to improve your language skills, whether for study, work or travel.
* If you have formed your mind to speak English in 30 days, you can go for this program and reach your goal much sooner.
Some software features:
. Includes more than 1000 audio audio files
. Ability to use software without the need for the Internet
انگلیسی Learning English for beginners is a very practical and internet-free program
Grouping :
mode and fashion
Time and date
Work and career
* Teaching English to Persian conversation
* Practical sentences of conversation
* Learn English from beginner to advanced
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