Apartment management & maintenance android app allows you to easily manage income, expense and maintenance of your apartment.
Install app now and create your apartment with all the details. After successfully created it send join request to all of your apartment members and ask to fill they details like his flat no, Number of members & vehicles.
When all the members are joined the apartment you can view total register flats, no of vehicles and total members of the apartment on app dashboard. If you enter incomes and expense of the apartment you can also view current balance.
Install app now and create your apartment with all the details. After successfully created it send join request to all of your apartment members and ask to fill they details like his flat no, Number of members & vehicles.
When all the members are joined the apartment you can view total register flats, no of vehicles and total members of the apartment on app dashboard. If you enter incomes and expense of the apartment you can also view current balance.
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