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Janani Sahayak

National Health Mission Haryana
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About Janani Sahayak

"Janani Sahayak" App has been developed by Maternal Health Division and IT Division of NHM, Haryana. This App targets to follow up the referrals of pregnant women from Primary Health Centres to First Referral Units. Health staff at First Referral Units will get notification of referral ins pregnant women in advance with necessary documentation, lab. reports and high risk factors. It will help in better management of referred cases. App will provide necessary data for management team for planning future strategies to prevent maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity.

Major contributing factors for maternal mortality can be understood by the “Three Delay” model:
A. Delay in decision to seek care due to (seeking care);
B. Delay in reaching care due to (reaching care);
C. Delay in receiving adequate health care due to (receiving care)

State has upgraded the labour rooms and maternity wards in terms of infrastructure, manpower, training of staff for improving the quality of delivery care being provided at Govt. health facilities. Implementation of GoI’s LaQshya program is an addition to states efforts for uplifting the quality of delivery care services at Govt. health facilities and targets mainly at delay three.

State has devised and implemented referral policy targeting improvements in the referral system. Still there are areas which needs attention of the health care system:
• Referral policy is not being followed properly
• There is no data of patients being referred from one facility to other facility
• Delayed, multiple referrals are still cause of concern
• Un-necessary referrals increase load at First referral units/ tertiary hospitals

To address these issues Android based app – "Janani Sahayak" is being developed and will be implemented for improving the referral system at Govt. Health facilities during this financial year. Service provider (Staff Nurse on duty after consultation with MO Incharge) will fill the referral form on the app and it will be sent to the higher health facility along with the patient's partograph (if started)/ reports if any/ past and present history. Staff on duty at higher health facility will get notifications of all the referred patients with approximate time of reaching at labour room. Staff at higher centre will get the partograph / reports well in advance to get the idea about the condition of patient being referred to higher centre. Janani Sahayak will also help in generating the data of the causes of referrals, conditions when patients are being referred, time of reaching to higher centres so that local health system can be strengthened to avoid delayed and un-necessary referrals.

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