Cap cay is a typical food of the Hokkien people literally word "cap" in mandarin means the number 10, because there are 10 kinds of vegetables used in this cuisine.
With so many types of vegetables are used, the nutrient content of the mother and family get to eat this cuisine is no less diverse. Carrots are rich in vitamin A and fiber. Cauliflower contains many viamin B9, C, and K, and other vegetables definitely a lot of vitamin content. etc.
Besides the vegetables are the main ingredient in the manufacture of cap cay no other additional ingredients such as chicken, meatballs, seafood and more as a complementary menu. For more details of how to cook chop suey please read the recipes in a recipe app capcay following nutritious tasty.
With so many types of vegetables are used, the nutrient content of the mother and family get to eat this cuisine is no less diverse. Carrots are rich in vitamin A and fiber. Cauliflower contains many viamin B9, C, and K, and other vegetables definitely a lot of vitamin content. etc.
Besides the vegetables are the main ingredient in the manufacture of cap cay no other additional ingredients such as chicken, meatballs, seafood and more as a complementary menu. For more details of how to cook chop suey please read the recipes in a recipe app capcay following nutritious tasty.
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