القرآن الكريم تلاوة الحصري icon

القرآن الكريم تلاوة الحصري

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About القرآن الكريم تلاوة الحصري

The Noble Qur’an is complete without ads. A 100% correct copy does not require Net
Reading the written Qur’an a true copy of the Holy Qur’an
The Qur'an written and recitation exclusive
Application ball
    Current charity for God’s sake. There are no advertisements or any material gain. We hope to pray sincerely for God’s sake. I have made this application the Holy Quran audible and read from a trusted source, which is the Holy Qur’an of Medina. All that is in this application is a picture from the Koran of King Fahd, you will not find, God willing, any errors in letters, formation or words.
    About the content:
    The Holy Quran is heard by reciter Mahmoud Al-Hosari with the best sound quality and does not need full internet for free
            No ads in the app forever
            Drawing of the Qur’an, King Fahd, Madinah Printing Press
            You can read and listen, read only or listen only
            Full volume control. Turn the volume up, down, stop and continue
            Easily enlarge and reduce the screen

We ask you to pray

القرآن الكريم تلاوة الحصري Screenshots