Easily convert dates between JDE (JD Edwards) Julian Date Format and DD/MM/YYYY Date Format.
The JDE Julian date is represented in CYYDDD format which is Century, Year, Day of year.
Century is zero for 20th e.g. 19XX and one for 21st e.g. 20XX.
The year is two digits. So 120001 is 1st Jan 2020, 120002 is 2nd Jan 2020 and so on, with 120366 is 31st December 2020 (since 2020 is leap year). 121001 is 1st Jan 2021. You get the idea.
This application helps you convert to and from this format to DD/MM/YYYY format.
The JDE Julian date is represented in CYYDDD format which is Century, Year, Day of year.
Century is zero for 20th e.g. 19XX and one for 21st e.g. 20XX.
The year is two digits. So 120001 is 1st Jan 2020, 120002 is 2nd Jan 2020 and so on, with 120366 is 31st December 2020 (since 2020 is leap year). 121001 is 1st Jan 2021. You get the idea.
This application helps you convert to and from this format to DD/MM/YYYY format.
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