Weather Informant allows streamlined access and push notification to every National Weather Service forecast, watch/warning, observation, statement and discussion from any of the 122 Forecast Offices nationwide and six specialty centers. It is quite simply NWS in an app. The Database processes approx 19,500 products per day or 13.5 per minute.
- All textual forecasts, statements, discussions, observations, tables, matrix, collectives, watches & warnings from every NWS office.
- App recommends closest NWS office based by current location (GPS).
- Browse by NWS Office
- Browse by active hazard type.
- Favorite any product for quick access
- Select push notification of any favorite
- Customize and preview alert sounds
- Use keyword search to refine favorites
- Keywords are highlighted for easy viewing
- Pinch to zoom to change font size.
- View up to 72 hours of previous product (swipe back)
- Valid Time Event Code (VTEC) action displayed for all watch/warnings
- Allows customized favorites by product type, NWS Office or keyword search phrase
- All textual forecasts, statements, discussions, observations, tables, matrix, collectives, watches & warnings from every NWS office.
- App recommends closest NWS office based by current location (GPS).
- Browse by NWS Office
- Browse by active hazard type.
- Favorite any product for quick access
- Select push notification of any favorite
- Customize and preview alert sounds
- Use keyword search to refine favorites
- Keywords are highlighted for easy viewing
- Pinch to zoom to change font size.
- View up to 72 hours of previous product (swipe back)
- Valid Time Event Code (VTEC) action displayed for all watch/warnings
- Allows customized favorites by product type, NWS Office or keyword search phrase
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