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Nitz Associates
1,000+ downloads

About BeerMeter

BeerMeter measures the amount of liquid in a 16 ounce beer glass and graphically displays the result. For proper operation, a standard 16 ounce “Poor Man’s Pint” or "Bar Mix Glass" of the type shown in the screen shots must be used.

Download and install the BeerMeter app. Fill the glass with beer, water or a soft drink. Hold your Android device near the glass (6 inches or less). Start the BeerMeter app and press the "Read" button. Wait until you see the message “Listening for glass” and then firmly strike the center of the glass with a hard object such as a quarter, spoon or key, so that the glass rings like a bell. Once BeerMeter hears the sound of the glass, it will complete the measurement and graphically display the result. If BeerMeter does not respond when the glass is struck, strike the glass again.

Demonstration Mode:
BeerMeter has a live demonstration function that randomly generates the ring of a glass and measures the result for that sound. To run a demo, press the "Demo" button. After a brief pause your Android will generate the ring of a glass, measure the sound, then display the result. If your Android does not detect the sound, make sure that the microphone isn't covered by your finger or hand.

Test Log:
BeerMeter stores up to 100 previous measurements in a log file. Press the "Log" button to view previous tests. Navigate the log file by pressing the arrow buttons and delete entries by pressing the "Trash" icon in the Action Bar.

BeerMeter will only work properly with a standard 16 ounce beer/mixing glass as shown in the screenshots. This glass is the type typically offered by Libbey Glass (identified by the script letter “L” on the bottom of the glass) and Logo style beer glasses with a conical design and straight sides. BeerMeter will not operate properly with other styles of beer glasses.

BeerMeter begins operation when the Read button is pressed. The app listens for the ringing sound generated when the glass is struck with a hard object and triggers when the sound of the glass is heard. In certain noisy environments (such as a very loud bar) BeerMeter may not be able to differentiate the sound of the glass from the background sound in the room. In this case, adjust the trigger level in the app settings or try the app again later in a less noisy environment.

BeerMeter was designed for use with a 16 ounce Libbey Beer/Mixing glass as shown in the screen shots. Some similar-looking beer glasses hold only 14 or 15 ounces and will measure incorrectly. To calibrate your glass, start with an empty glass and make a measurement using BeerMeter. An empty glass should show a single red bar as the result. If your glass shows yellow or green when empty, press the "Cal" button on the result screen and a calibration slider will be displayed as shown on the screenshot. Adjust the slider until only the red bar is shown and/or the liquid level reads close to 0.0 oz. Further calibration adjustments can be made with the glass full or half-full (or half-empty).

Designed and offered as a simplified technology demonstration, BeerMeter uses Acoustic Signature Analysis Technology from Nitz Associates, Inc.

Try our award winning BBQ TankMeter app to measure 20 lb propane tanks and PropaneGauge for 16.4 oz propane tanks. If you have comments, questions or suggestions for improvement, please contact Nitz Associates by email at

BeerMeter Screenshots