main function
1) Dual Calendar
-My personal schedule and plugin schedule (public / private) can be placed on the dual calendar as desired. Let's organize your schedule so that it's easy to see. (We support a lot of pretty colors for schedule registration, make it pretty.)
2) Today
-I'll show you today's schedule, only today's tasks. I made it stand out and pretty.
Today, you can easily see the 'weekly schedules'. There is also a feature that allows you to enter your schedule and todo immediately in Today ~!
3) plugin
-Create and invite shared calendars (public / private) such as schedules with friends, family events, and company events. The schedule I entered is shared with the members in real time, and the schedule will appear in 'Doo Cul Calendar'.
-Are you curious about what's going on in Seoul? Wondering what festivals are in Busan? Plug in right away to see the detailed schedule.
-Do you have any events or festivals that only my neighborhood knows? Create a shared calendar and share it with others.
1) Dual Calendar
-My personal schedule and plugin schedule (public / private) can be placed on the dual calendar as desired. Let's organize your schedule so that it's easy to see. (We support a lot of pretty colors for schedule registration, make it pretty.)
2) Today
-I'll show you today's schedule, only today's tasks. I made it stand out and pretty.
Today, you can easily see the 'weekly schedules'. There is also a feature that allows you to enter your schedule and todo immediately in Today ~!
3) plugin
-Create and invite shared calendars (public / private) such as schedules with friends, family events, and company events. The schedule I entered is shared with the members in real time, and the schedule will appear in 'Doo Cul Calendar'.
-Are you curious about what's going on in Seoul? Wondering what festivals are in Busan? Plug in right away to see the detailed schedule.
-Do you have any events or festivals that only my neighborhood knows? Create a shared calendar and share it with others.
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