Learning English is easy now for Hindi students. In this offline app, with the help of 450 simple words and 500 simple sentences (am-is-are/has-have/I do etc.), 35-40 common mistakes that general students make are removed at first. Then you learn English grammar with fun but without complexity, with explanations in Hindi, lots of pictures and various innovative types of quizzes. The intention is to remove the fear of learning English, make a foundation of English language in you and make you have enough confidence. Once you complete this course, you will not make any further mistake in written English. Though the app is meant for common students, any Hindi-speaking person can learn English easily through Abheda English if one has a basic knowledge of the alphabets. A syllabus of the app is included in the app itself, it is better to follow the order that the app suggests. Besides, the app has 3 different levels such as Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced. You have to appear in exams - inbuilt with the app - at any level to pass the level and unlock the lessons of the next level.
Abheda English is meant for the purposes of both self-study and teaching. A motivated teacher may like to install the app onto their tablets/phones and teach several students at a time – either straightaway from his/her phone or connecting it to a TV or a projector.
• Learn English from Hindi - simple, easy, gradual, correcting mistakes, removing fear
• English fundamental words
• Basic and necessary sentences
• Sentence construction techniques
• Basic verbs and adverbs
• Types of sentences (simple/compound/complex)
• Prepositions
• Other grammar components (Voice Change, Direct/Indirect Speeches, Gerund/ Participle/Infinitive)
• Conversations
• Special Uses using a biography of Gautama Buddha
• Vocabulary building using translations and comprehensions
• Explanations in Hindi in detail
• Multiple Choice, Word Order, Picture Match and Spelling quizzes
• Pronunciation learning (text-to-speech) in an Indian accent
• Examination
You may run this Android app Abheda English on Windows if you install an Android simulator (e.g. Bluestacks) on Windows and install Abheda English within it.
Also learn Spoken English through English CourseTutor, another unique free app from Abheda Foundation.
To register yourself for a certificate course on Communicative English, just log in to our website.
ONGC has been sponsoring a Digital Education Program for Underprivileged Students (DEPUS) in which Abheda English is being used extensively.
If you have any feedback to give, please send it to abhedaenglish@gmail.com.
Abheda English is meant for the purposes of both self-study and teaching. A motivated teacher may like to install the app onto their tablets/phones and teach several students at a time – either straightaway from his/her phone or connecting it to a TV or a projector.
• Learn English from Hindi - simple, easy, gradual, correcting mistakes, removing fear
• English fundamental words
• Basic and necessary sentences
• Sentence construction techniques
• Basic verbs and adverbs
• Types of sentences (simple/compound/complex)
• Prepositions
• Other grammar components (Voice Change, Direct/Indirect Speeches, Gerund/ Participle/Infinitive)
• Conversations
• Special Uses using a biography of Gautama Buddha
• Vocabulary building using translations and comprehensions
• Explanations in Hindi in detail
• Multiple Choice, Word Order, Picture Match and Spelling quizzes
• Pronunciation learning (text-to-speech) in an Indian accent
• Examination
You may run this Android app Abheda English on Windows if you install an Android simulator (e.g. Bluestacks) on Windows and install Abheda English within it.
Also learn Spoken English through English CourseTutor, another unique free app from Abheda Foundation.
To register yourself for a certificate course on Communicative English, just log in to our website.
ONGC has been sponsoring a Digital Education Program for Underprivileged Students (DEPUS) in which Abheda English is being used extensively.
If you have any feedback to give, please send it to abhedaenglish@gmail.com.
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