114 in my phone reborn with a completely new UI
When you are curious about a phone number, find it and dial it right away.
Living information app that informs you of restaurants near me and open pharmacy information
It also provides information on the distance to the searched store and public transportation.
By setting
You can search near your location
Alternatively, you can find it in the location you manually entered.
-Store name text, voice search
-Provide distance from my location to the store
-Provides information on restaurants near me and open pharmacies
-Detailed search by region
-Instant call of search results
-Save the list of recent calls
-Homepage link function directly from search results
-Search results for public transportation directions
The app's data is
Kakao Open API (https://developers.kakao.com)
Naver Open API (http://dev.naver.com/openapi)
Public Data Portal (https://www.data.go.kr)
It is provided using.
And the iPhone version has been released.
If the app is convenient, please recommend it to nearby iPhone users.
114 in me, 114 in me, 114 in my phone, find phone number, restaurant, open pharmacy
When you are curious about a phone number, find it and dial it right away.
Living information app that informs you of restaurants near me and open pharmacy information
It also provides information on the distance to the searched store and public transportation.
By setting
You can search near your location
Alternatively, you can find it in the location you manually entered.
-Store name text, voice search
-Provide distance from my location to the store
-Provides information on restaurants near me and open pharmacies
-Detailed search by region
-Instant call of search results
-Save the list of recent calls
-Homepage link function directly from search results
-Search results for public transportation directions
The app's data is
Kakao Open API (https://developers.kakao.com)
Naver Open API (http://dev.naver.com/openapi)
Public Data Portal (https://www.data.go.kr)
It is provided using.
And the iPhone version has been released.
If the app is convenient, please recommend it to nearby iPhone users.
114 in me, 114 in me, 114 in my phone, find phone number, restaurant, open pharmacy
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