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Minesweeper Classic

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About Minesweeper Classic

Minesweeper is a single-player puzzle game. The objective of the game is to clear a rectangular board containing hidden "mines" or bombs without detonating any of them, with help from clues about the number of neighbouring mines in each field.

In Minesweeper, mines are scattered throughout a board, which is divided into cells. Cells have three states: uncovered, covered and flagged. A covered cell is blank and touchable, while an uncovered cell is exposed. Flagged cells are those marked by the player to indicate a potential mine location.

A player touches a cell to uncover it. If a player uncovers a mined cell, the game ends, as there is only 1 life per game. Otherwise, the uncovered cell displays either a number, indicating the number of mines diagonally and/or adjacent to it, or a blank tile, and all adjacent non-mined cells will automatically be uncovered. Touching long on a cell will flag it, causing a flag to appear on it. Flagged cells are still considered covered, and a player can touch long on them to uncover them again.

The first touch in any game will never be a mine.

To win the game, players must uncover all non-mine cells, at which point, the timer is stopped. Flagging all the mined cells is not required.

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