Parish of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Strachówce - Roman Catholic parish in the deanery jadowskim, the Diocese of Warsaw-Praga. Erected in 1951. It is located on the street Cyprian Kamil Norwid 10. They lead the diocesan priests.
Strachówka parish was erected by decree of His Excellency Father. Archbishop Stefan Wyszynski, the Primate of the Polish, dated 15 April 1951. Nr.1640. The parish entered the villages of the parish Sulejów and good. To create a parish contributed to requests from the local community to the Warsaw Metropolitan Curia. As a result of these requests in October 1949. Curia sent to Fr. Strachówki. Jana Michałowicza, whose task was to organize the parish. Thanks to the efforts of Fr. Michałowicza wooden rectory was built and brick outbuilding in the years 1950-1951. At the same time it laid the foundation for a wooden church. Ks. Michałowicz worked in Strachówce to 12 May 1952.
After it took over the duties of parish priest Fr. Franciszek Góźdź. With the support of parishioners in 1952. Building material gathered in the church. Having obtained the license in 1957. To build a stone church, the construction of the church by architect. Mgr Mieczyslaw Piprek. The cornerstone and the foundations of a new church dedicated Ks. Bp. Wacław Majewski on 12 May 1958. On 16 December 1961. Church was opened, on 26 August 1962. Fr. Bp. Jerzy Modzelewski consecrated a new church. In recognition of Father appointed Metropolitan Curia. Franciszka Goździa canon and moved to the parish Dąbrówka. On 12 April 1964. He took over the duties of the parish priest, Fr. Mgr Stanisław Smolaga. During his pastoral work of His Eminence. Card. Stefan Wyszyński, Polish primate, consecrated the church on 17 May 1970. Fr. Pastor Stanisław Smolaga worked until 1974. After it became pastor Fr.. Mieczysław Iwanicki. On 22 June 1981. Pastor Fr.. Jerzy Misiak, who worked until 1987. As of June 29, as pastor of the parish, Fr. Strachówka served. Stanisław Krupski until 1993. Then the pastors were Rev.. Antoni Czajkowski 2008. And Father. Andrzej Dusza to 2012. On 28 May 2001. Fr. Bishop. Kazimierz Romaniuk presided jubilee celebrations of 50 - anniversary of the parish to which the faithful prepared for the holy Missions on 20 - May 27, 2001. Run by the Oblate Father Stanislaw Grzybek. Another holy missions took place in June 2015. Under the direction of the Redemptorist monastery in New Osuchów. Currently, the pastor is the Rev.. Mieczysław Jerzak.
Parish experiencing annual two indulgences: St. Anthony and honor of the Patroness of the Parish of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Strachówka parish was erected by decree of His Excellency Father. Archbishop Stefan Wyszynski, the Primate of the Polish, dated 15 April 1951. Nr.1640. The parish entered the villages of the parish Sulejów and good. To create a parish contributed to requests from the local community to the Warsaw Metropolitan Curia. As a result of these requests in October 1949. Curia sent to Fr. Strachówki. Jana Michałowicza, whose task was to organize the parish. Thanks to the efforts of Fr. Michałowicza wooden rectory was built and brick outbuilding in the years 1950-1951. At the same time it laid the foundation for a wooden church. Ks. Michałowicz worked in Strachówce to 12 May 1952.
After it took over the duties of parish priest Fr. Franciszek Góźdź. With the support of parishioners in 1952. Building material gathered in the church. Having obtained the license in 1957. To build a stone church, the construction of the church by architect. Mgr Mieczyslaw Piprek. The cornerstone and the foundations of a new church dedicated Ks. Bp. Wacław Majewski on 12 May 1958. On 16 December 1961. Church was opened, on 26 August 1962. Fr. Bp. Jerzy Modzelewski consecrated a new church. In recognition of Father appointed Metropolitan Curia. Franciszka Goździa canon and moved to the parish Dąbrówka. On 12 April 1964. He took over the duties of the parish priest, Fr. Mgr Stanisław Smolaga. During his pastoral work of His Eminence. Card. Stefan Wyszyński, Polish primate, consecrated the church on 17 May 1970. Fr. Pastor Stanisław Smolaga worked until 1974. After it became pastor Fr.. Mieczysław Iwanicki. On 22 June 1981. Pastor Fr.. Jerzy Misiak, who worked until 1987. As of June 29, as pastor of the parish, Fr. Strachówka served. Stanisław Krupski until 1993. Then the pastors were Rev.. Antoni Czajkowski 2008. And Father. Andrzej Dusza to 2012. On 28 May 2001. Fr. Bishop. Kazimierz Romaniuk presided jubilee celebrations of 50 - anniversary of the parish to which the faithful prepared for the holy Missions on 20 - May 27, 2001. Run by the Oblate Father Stanislaw Grzybek. Another holy missions took place in June 2015. Under the direction of the Redemptorist monastery in New Osuchów. Currently, the pastor is the Rev.. Mieczysław Jerzak.
Parish experiencing annual two indulgences: St. Anthony and honor of the Patroness of the Parish of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
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