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About SwellCam

1. Camera WIFI connection: Please Note, the WiFi is used for preflight setup purposes only, and must be disabled prior to take off.
Power on the remote controller, when started, please switch the photo switch to the “Preview” position.
Power on the drone, the camera will power on automatically, switch on the camera WIFI, the red indicator lights up indicating the camera is on.
Open the WIFI on your phone, search for the name of SwellCam mobile devices, and request to connect, enter the initial password - 12345678, and connect.
2. Using the APP: Open the camera APP into the camera preview screen. On the APP, you can set the parameters of the camera and video, you can also control the camera for the taking of pictures or videos, and other related functions.

Note:Please turn off the camera's WIFI switch before take off, so as not to interfere with the flight control or video transmission signals during flight.
Note:When the camera is recording video , a sudden power cut will damage the video file. Correct operation: turn the camera control switch to the preview position, stop the video and save it, and then disconnect the power of the drone.

SwellCam Screenshots