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Airbus A340 Type Rat EXAM Prep

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About Airbus A340 Type Rat EXAM Prep

Type Rating Exam Preparation, covering the topics:

1. Air Conditioning
2. APU
3. Autoflight
4. Communications
5. Doors
6. Electrical
7. Engines
8. Fire protection
9. Flight management and NAV
10. FUEL
11. Hydraulics
12. Ice and Rain protection
13. Indicating and Recording
14. Landing gear and Brakes
15. Oxygen
16. Pneumatic

Application features :

- Multiple-choice exercise
- There are 2 hints (HINT/Knowledge, Add TIME for answering), that can be used
- More than 70 questions in one topic which in turn appear in 10 questions

Airbus A340 Type Rat EXAM Prep Screenshots