Number to Word Convertor icon

Number to Word Convertor

Utility maker Infotech
1,000+ downloads

About Number to Word Convertor

* User need to enter number digits and amount in words will be shown.

Number to Word Converter app helps to convert digit into words easily.

For ex.. 1000 -> One thousand
One thousand five hundread -> 1050.

Use For :
- Writing Bank Cheque
- Filling bank slips to deposit money
- Filling Receipt and GST Bill

Features :

** Number to Words **
1. Type number to convert to words format.
2. Select country to get words format for that country.
3. Format for diffrent countries.
4. Easy to Copy and share.
5. Save your word conversion.
6. Display record.

** Words to Number **
1. Only western word for number can be converted to words.
2. Easy to Copy and share.
3. Save your word conversion.
4. Display record.

Number to Word Convertor Screenshots