All Poetry Books of A Legend Jaun Elia available now in only one App.
This app is very useful for urdu poetry lovers..
"Kulliyat E jaun Elia" is an app developed for the first time and it will make history in Books and references Apps.
This app includes only Jaun Elia's poetry work.
User facility:
*User can read easily and efficiently All the poetry content
*Text is select able
*User can copy and paste text
*Text is also shareable with the other social media apps
This App is developed by O5Studio Productions.
This app is very useful for urdu poetry lovers..
"Kulliyat E jaun Elia" is an app developed for the first time and it will make history in Books and references Apps.
This app includes only Jaun Elia's poetry work.
User facility:
*User can read easily and efficiently All the poetry content
*Text is select able
*User can copy and paste text
*Text is also shareable with the other social media apps
This App is developed by O5Studio Productions.
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