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Organic Crop Exchange

Develop Scripts LLC
10+ downloads

About Organic Crop Exchange

A more efficient way to buy and sell organic grain:
• Free to join
• Many buyers and sellers create an efficient market with realistic prices
• Traditional and reverse auctions: sellers list, buyers bid – buyers list, sellers offer
• Auction details – let people know your commodity grades, loading address, estimated loading time, preferred delivery period, loading availability, and more
• Resource pages available to help companies in the organic industry connect

Platform features:
• Filters – You can filter by commodity, location, quantity, grade, and more to help find exactly what you’re looking for
• Sort – Auctions can be sorted by price and time they were listed
• Favorites – If you find auctions you like, add it to your favorites to keep them all in one convenient list
• Sellers of organic grain can hand select registered buyers they want seeing their auctions

Organic Crop Exchange Screenshots