Small app to show the current date as a notification in the status bar
No ads
- create your own icons
choose text, font, color and size
Requires Android version 6 Marshmallow (or above)
- option to hide the notifications from lock screen.
- languages: Built in English, French, Spanish, Russian, Deutsch
Support for device language
- colors
- day of the week display (sun, mon, ...)
- format settings: you can choose how to display the date
For example:
29 Jan
Ja 29 Su
For any problem or suggestion please email me
No ads
- create your own icons
choose text, font, color and size
Requires Android version 6 Marshmallow (or above)
- option to hide the notifications from lock screen.
- languages: Built in English, French, Spanish, Russian, Deutsch
Support for device language
- colors
- day of the week display (sun, mon, ...)
- format settings: you can choose how to display the date
For example:
29 Jan
Ja 29 Su
For any problem or suggestion please email me
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