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كواكب المعرفة

1,000+ downloads

About كواكب المعرفة

The application contains a variety of questions in several areas:
1. Religious questions
2. Cultural questions
3. Historical questions
4. Mathematical questions
Applies to all age groups
There are three levels of questions (easy, medium and difficult)
There are three different planets depending on age and difficulty level of questions:
1-Planet children from 5 to 10 years
2. Young planet from 11 to 15 years
3-planet Einstein from 16 to 20 years

The application helps in the development and increase of scientific knowledge and raise the level of concentration and conservation

Some of the advantages of the application:
- Easy to handle
- Amazing Photos
- Various questions
- Suitable for all ages
Challenge your friends

Knowledge planets
Planets knowledge
Cultural questions
Scientific Questions
Apply questions
Sports Questions
Sports Questions
Challenge your friends

كواكب المعرفة Screenshots