Categories that we offer online -
- Daily grocery & staples like Flours, Grains, Rice, Dals, Masalas, Spices, Cooking Oil, Ghee & other daily need groceries.
- Fresh Fruits & Vegetables
- Personal Care products like skincare, haircare, baby care, and a variety of other personal utility & hygiene products
- Household needs such as floor cleaners, cleaning tools, detergents, bathroom accessories, etc.
Additionally, you can also buy fresh milk from each of our pick-up points. Some of our pick-up points also sell a range of selected household items at a highly discounted price.
- Daily grocery & staples like Flours, Grains, Rice, Dals, Masalas, Spices, Cooking Oil, Ghee & other daily need groceries.
- Fresh Fruits & Vegetables
- Personal Care products like skincare, haircare, baby care, and a variety of other personal utility & hygiene products
- Household needs such as floor cleaners, cleaning tools, detergents, bathroom accessories, etc.
Additionally, you can also buy fresh milk from each of our pick-up points. Some of our pick-up points also sell a range of selected household items at a highly discounted price.
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