超simpleクイズseries~海賊王1~ icon


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About 超simpleクイズseries~海賊王1~

A magnificent story about a boy aiming to become a pirate king and his friends, and 50 quizzes from that work that is still extremely popular even after more than 20 years since the series started.

In the world of the Great Pirate Age, unique characters and an epic story unfold on a hot adventure full of laughter and tears.

In this app, from such popular comics, questions about the first sea that depicts the beginning of the journey!
Not only can you enjoy it as a quiz that reminds you of nostalgic characters, villages and techniques, but it is also designed to be played repeatedly with super simple operation and appearance.

If you get 5 questions wrong, the Heart Gauge will drop to 0, and you can choose to start from the beginning or watch an ad and continue from there.

Let's try to get a high score together!

In addition, this app is an unofficial free quiz app
It has nothing to do with actual products or related companies.
Also, no intention to infringe copyright

超simpleクイズseries~海賊王1~ Screenshots