Use search if you want to know the place of the marker you are looking for.
We provide 181 place of the marker and each marker have a detail information such as if the marker is shop it provide a goods of sale product list and you can see tips written by other users.
We have a lot of game datas. such as 2048 Cloth list, 200 Cyberware list, 300 mod list and 181 point markers.
So you can easily find information what you want.
- We provide all of clothes, cyberwares, mods, vehicles and corporation data
- All of Iconic weapon information and point markers in game
- Default Character Status and management of Skill & Perks
This is a third party, unofficial app that is not affiliated with the Cyberpunk license and the developer is in no way related to or endorsed by CD Projekt RED.
Use search if you want to know the place of the marker you are looking for.
We provide 181 place of the marker and each marker have a detail information such as if the marker is shop it provide a goods of sale product list and you can see tips written by other users.
We have a lot of game datas. such as 2048 Cloth list, 200 Cyberware list, 300 mod list and 181 point markers.
So you can easily find information what you want.
- We provide all of clothes, cyberwares, mods, vehicles and corporation data
- All of Iconic weapon information and point markers in game
- Default Character Status and management of Skill & Perks
This is a third party, unofficial app that is not affiliated with the Cyberpunk license and the developer is in no way related to or endorsed by CD Projekt RED.
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