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Surah Yasin

Ubaid Shah
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About Surah Yasin

This Surah has 83 verses divided into 5 Rukus/Sections. Revealed in Mecca most probably in a later stage of Muhammad’s declaration of his prophethood. Like most other Meccan Surahs its primary focus is on the doctrine of Tauhid Oneness of God, Life after death and Admonish and warnings to Meccan’s for not accepting Muhammad’s message.

“The Messenger of God said:

مَنْ قَرَأَ يس فِي لَيْلَةٍ أَصْبَحَ مَغْفُورًا لَهُ، وَمَنْ قَرَأَ حم الَّتِي يُذْكَرُ فِيهَا الدُّخَانُ أَصْبَحَ مَغْفُورًا لَه

Whoever recites Yaseen in the night, will wake up forgiven by the Grace of God, and whoever recites Ha Mim in which Dukhan/Smoke is mentioned, by the Grace of God, will wake up forgiven.)

Anas reported God’s Messenger PBUH as saying, “Everything has a heart and the heart of the Holy Quran is Yaseen. God will record anyone who recites Yaseen as having recited the Holy Quran ten times.”

Maqil ibn Yasaar Muzani reported the Prophet PBUH as saying, “If anyone recites Yasin for God’s pleasure, his past sins will be pardoned; so recite it on those who are dying.

Ibn Hibban reported in his Sahih that Jundub bin Abdullah said, “The Messenger of God said:
مَنْ قَرَأَ يس فِي لَيْلَةٍ ابْتِغَاءَ وَجْهِ اللهِ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ غُفِرَ لَه

Whoever recites Yaseen in the night, seeking the Face of God, will be forgiven.

The Messenger of Allah PBUH said: One who recites Yasin and Saffat on Friday and then begs God, God fulfills his demand.

The verses 1-32 summarizes that the quran is full of wisdom and it calls those people unfortunate who cannot benefit from it. Parable of the City that defied — all but one — the Messengers of Grace and Mercy. Righteous Men: The wisdom of Revelation — the Qur’an received through our beloved Prophet — is a guide to the Straight Path, and a warning against the terrible state in which the yokes of Sin enslave us. The righteous receive it with joy, for they believe in the Hereafter. Behold, there was once a City, to which came two righteous men with the Message of Truth, but they were rejected and persecuted: they were then joined by a third. But the City refused to believe or to turn from iniquity. Only one man was found in its outskirts, to bear witness to Truth, Faith and Righteousness; and he attained martyrdom. He attained Peace, but mourned for his people, in that they shut the gates of Salvation and Allah’s Mercy on themselves. Alas for man’s short-sighted folly in defying the Grace that would shield and deliver him!

The verses 33-50 summarizes about the various Signs of Allah in Nature and Revelation. Signs Bearing Witness: Are there not Signs enough around you to bear witness to Allah, and His saving Grace? The earth dies and revives; there are mysteries of Life and Sex, of Light and the Stars and Planets to heaven that follow their orbits by Law and in harmony! There are the ships and the modes of transport by which man can conquer the forces around him with Allah-given Gifts! Learn the Law of Goodness from them and believe in the Hereafter; it will come when least expected. Be prepared for Allah!

The verses 51-83 discuss the Resurrection and the life hereafter. Judgment Seat: When the Last Day comes, men will be taken aback and the Judgment Seat will be established. Blessed will be those who attain Salvation: their Joy, Satisfaction, and Peace will be crowned with nearness to their Lord! Alas for the Sinful, who deliberately followed Evil: their own nature and actions will speak against them: they will face the realities of Punishment! Both Revelation and Nature are eloquent in instructing man for his own good in the Hereafter, which will come as a certainty.
SuraYassin is from among the Makkan Suras and comprises of 83 verses. The Sura discusses three important topics which are from the fundamental teachings of the Holy Quran.
1) Belief in Resurrection and life after death.
2) Incident of the people of a specific city.
3) Evidences and proofs of the Oneness of the Lord of the worlds.

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