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The Debate and Discussion App

Opinito LLC
2.3 out of 5
5,000+ downloads

About The Debate and Discussion App

What is Opinito?

The Made in India, Debate and Discussion App which is the next revolution in social networking, Opinito networks you with other users who share your likes and dislikes – automatically!

Opinito provides you a platform where trending news and ideas are arranged in topics by the community itself and it let you discuss and debate as per your opinions. There are 10K active users and more coming daily and posting regularly.

At Opinito You can choose from myriads of topics listed like Trending Political News, Sports News, Tech News, and so on. All you have got to do is to Join your favorite topic by just hitting a like and let Opinito create a personalized feed for you and there you go. Now, you can debate and discuss any of the topics.

How to Use Opinito?

Create your Profile and Post
Create an interesting post and share your thoughts. Tag people, use hashtags and start a trend.

Post and share your opinion
Liked something you saw? Or have a different take on the article you read? Simply tap on the post button, share the article, and let others know what’s on your mind.

Share content on Opinito app
Found something interesting elsewhere? Share your photos, memes, news articles, videos & links with your friends, or share them with everyone. Go big and engage!

Socialize with like-minded people:
Create your opinion cart by selecting Love (Heart symbol- have interest in this keyword) or Hate (Skull symbol - indicating that you disagree with it).

Now the real magic begins! Based on your Loves and Hates, Opinito will automatically network you with other users who share similar Loves and Hates. Thus, depending on your Loves and Hates, which is equivalent to your opinion, you could be in-network with thousands of more people. Curious about who are the other people in your network? Just visit the ‘'My Activity" screen and click on any number in the Network column.

Features of Opinito

Manage conflicts beforehand
The best part is, since your interests and opinions converge, the chances of having conflictual interactions are much less. My Activity screen shows you the size of your network in each topic. Yes, the beauty of Opinito is that it allows you to compartmentalize your networks. Thus, you could be in-network with someone in Politics but may completely have opposite Loves and Hates in, say, Sports. Opinito will then network you with that user only in Politics but will keep you un-networked with that user in Sports! That way, you have less risk of running into people who will be your polar opposites where your interaction would have been more likely conflictual.
If you love conflict just ignore the hate option and look for debatable topics. Comment why you disagree with an opinion.

Discover what’s trending through users’ posts:
Whether you are interested in news, politics, entertainment, sports, cooking, or lifestyle. Opinito is your one-stop destination for all trending topics. Discover user's posts and start engaging with them through comments & likes.

One story - Numerous perspectives.
With comments and discussion, you can be informed of how a story is analyzed from a variety of sources. With just a tap you’ll see recent comments from different users with the same interests that developed over time.

Discover new sources and topics.
The Miscellaneous tab makes it easy to find and follow the sources you trust, as well as browse and discover new ones.

Other features of Opinito:
• Get customized content tailored for you through a recommended stream of news, videos & photos
• Get entertainment news, TV & cinema gossips, cricket updates, horoscope, weather, employment news, stock updates & much more.
• Follow your favorite newspapers, news channels, friends & discover the latest updates, articles, videos posted by them.

The Debate and Discussion App Screenshots