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Trip Keeper

50+ downloads

About Trip Keeper

You travel on a business trip ? or your employer has granted you a commute budget ? or you changed your company car for a mobility budget ?
Select your travel mode: public transport, micro-mobility, taxi, ...
Enter your destination (with our Autocomplete geocoder).
If you go to multiple destinations, flag Multiple trip and give an estimation of your traveled miles.

If you are looking for Automotive Service Providers for energy (fuel ou charging station), parking or washing, please clic on the second button in the menu.

You clic on Search and we propose the best apps for the service you are looking for.

You can pay those services online with your virtual Optimum card, available in your Optimum app / My informations (fifth button in the menu); or you can pay on most merchant contactless payment terminals with your digital Optimum card in Apple ou Google pay; or with your good all plastic physical Optimum card if your employer sent it to you (you will receive a message to confirm your postal address).

Whenever you pay, you receive a sms and take a photo of the receipt. No more expense report to do, all the information are automatically recorded. You can see all your paiements in the third menu item in your Optimum app. And you can even enter you travel expenses for your mileage allowances or any expense you did not pay with your Optimum card.

And in your dashboard (4th menu item), you can follow up your balances (your actual costs / budget costs) and economical & environmental perfomance (expenses & CO2 per traveled km); and even join a performance group and participate in challenges organized by your employer.

Trip Keeper Screenshots

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