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OptiUnit ApS
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About OptiUnit

OptiUnit ApS is a company that specializes in GPS monitoring and service management of construction and rental machines.

As a starting point, the system itself can be the same as all the others on the market, location, service reminder, etc. The special thing about our system is that you can purchase a module "Online foreman" where it is us who monitor your machines and it is us who booker and evt. external fitter.
We collaborate with many service fitters throughout Denmark, who we can see where you are, so if you have a snake that jumps, for example, we can see where the nearest fitter with the right skills is. This means that you will always get the fastest assistance and you will quickly be driving again.

In addition to the extra solutions we have, we are also cheaper than the others on the market. It is on both the hardware and the subscription.
We have a simple solution that only has to have pluses and minuses, which looks at the voltage if the machine is running and of course we also have both an advanced one with several inputs / outputs and a pure battery solution. All the solutions can be sold at close to half price by others in the market.

We can also offer the installation of these units through our service partners or you can do it yourself.

All GPSs are produced in the EU and are of the highest quality.

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