Odisha has an extensive coastline measuring 480kms, bestowed with rich biological diversity, which accounts for 8% of total coastline of India. Shrimp farming is the major brackish water aquaculture in Odisha. Odisha occupies fourth place in brackish water shrimp farming, area wise and third place production wise, among the coastal state of the country. Out of the thirty districts of the state, nine districts namely Ganjam, Khurda, Puri, Jagatsinghpur,Jajpur Kendrapada, Cuttack, Bhadrak and Baleswar, are considered as coastal districts. These districts have high density of population i.e, from 300-500 per square kilometer. The major areas where shrimp culture can be started are the estuaries of the rivers and their lower reaches within the tidal influx and brackish water lakes.
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