Kurdî, bi lîstik the xwes e.
Lîstik Kurdī or bi type gellek KEF dite Mirove B counts lîstikê hûn ZANICA, jîrbûn û lezbûn xwe diceribîn in. Di lîstikê de divê hûn bêjeyên ku Herian in Czech Kemi 3 types of Lê BIGERAN û Bibi.
B Macrotyloma xwe pelé pêlêkirî b each receive Kini Kini bêjeyên veşartî Bibi eyebrows. Di quncikê j RAST de Biskon, APRIL dit ku Çend bêjeyên bi Çend HeNe type. When both k w Dit to Dawiya bêjeyên, resin base.
Rupel the outer di bêjeyên Biskon dithia de la Rast jar "Hemû beige" Hemû bêjeyên k b wen were the core of the HeNe type DÍKARA.
Çiqas beige, çiqas dirêj derkev the ewqas Zeda tê points.
Dem deal ....
Kurdish words and finding the search game. This play with intelligence, speed, test your intelligence and speed. You will seek at least three-letter words with the words in this game. Hold your finger down and if you use a case in which the letters to him.
In the top right button shows you how many letters of few words.
words are listed at the end of the game. button at the top right on the results page also shows you all possible words.
And how much longer the word, the more points.
Lîstik Kurdī or bi type gellek KEF dite Mirove B counts lîstikê hûn ZANICA, jîrbûn û lezbûn xwe diceribîn in. Di lîstikê de divê hûn bêjeyên ku Herian in Czech Kemi 3 types of Lê BIGERAN û Bibi.
B Macrotyloma xwe pelé pêlêkirî b each receive Kini Kini bêjeyên veşartî Bibi eyebrows. Di quncikê j RAST de Biskon, APRIL dit ku Çend bêjeyên bi Çend HeNe type. When both k w Dit to Dawiya bêjeyên, resin base.
Rupel the outer di bêjeyên Biskon dithia de la Rast jar "Hemû beige" Hemû bêjeyên k b wen were the core of the HeNe type DÍKARA.
Çiqas beige, çiqas dirêj derkev the ewqas Zeda tê points.
Dem deal ....
Kurdish words and finding the search game. This play with intelligence, speed, test your intelligence and speed. You will seek at least three-letter words with the words in this game. Hold your finger down and if you use a case in which the letters to him.
In the top right button shows you how many letters of few words.
words are listed at the end of the game. button at the top right on the results page also shows you all possible words.
And how much longer the word, the more points.
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