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Mi Movistar Ecuador

Telefónica Movistar Ecuador
4.0 out of 5
1,000,000+ downloads

About Mi Movistar Ecuador

Take advantage of unique benefits in the Mi Movistar app!
Recharge, activate combos and receive gift megabytes. We even have a birthday present.

Only in the APP you will find promotions and discounts every day of the year.

Manage your line

Check your balance: see the detail of your consumption of megabytes, minutes, SMS or the balance of your recharges.

Activate Combos: buy your combo quickly and easily with your favorite card. If you activate the automatic renewal you receive double the GIGAS.

Check your bills: check the last 3 months from the palm of your hand. Remember that you can pay with your preferred card.

Help chat: solve your doubts directly by chat with our BitBit customer service.

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