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Zero Budget Natural Farming

10,000+ downloads

About Zero Budget Natural Farming

Through this group, we have strived to provide certain news, viewpoints and commentaries which have been gleamed through various sources. We will also be circulating the regular updates through mails. Any detailed study can be done by using the hyperlinks wherever provided in such mails.

All like-minded ‘Bhartiya Kisaan' are requested to kindly spread the contact details of the group and of undersigned far-and-wide so that at local level philosophy and founding principles of ZBNF are established and Bhartiya youths are encouraged to appreciate and propagate the initiative!

'ZBNF Samvaad' is a must-have Mobile App for each and every concerned Indian Kisaan as it enables you, with in minutes, to Connect and Communicate with thousands of like-minded people from across India.

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