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Convert Units Plus

Alan Mrvica
4.7 out of 5
100,000+ downloads

About Convert Units Plus

Unit and Currency Converter App converts Imperial, Metric, Weight, Length, Area, Fuel, Mileage, Power, Time, Pressure, Speed, Temperature, Volume, Data.

Convert Units - Units Plus - Unit & Currency Converter - Metric to Imperial Conversion

***Now with LIVE Currency Updates for all major currencies in the world***

Very simple and beautifully designed unit converter with 12 different conversion categories and many different units:


*Currency (155 world currencies updated every 15 min.)
*Data-computer data (byte, kilobyte, megabyte, etc.)
*Time (days, weeks, hours, etc.)
*Volume (dry and wet)

Currency exchange rates are downloaded every 24 hours when app is open. Every download uses very small amount of data. Around 1-2kb. Internet connection required.
155 currencies available - This is all world currencies with their respective country flags.

Convert Units Plus Screenshots

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